Foto TECO Magnet Motor

TECO Permanent Magnet Motor MAX-E1

PT. Lienetic Jaya menjual TECO Permanent Magnet Motor MAX-E1 tipe AEHE.

Di sebagian besar pabrik industri, konsumsi listrik motor mencapai hingga 75% dari total tagihan listrik.

MAX-E1 dirancang dengan teknologi efisiensi dalam penggunaan konsumsi listrik sehingga tagihan listrik Anda dan menurunkan biaya produksi. Selain itu, ini akan memungkinkan pemuatan yang lebih rendah pada sirkuit distribusi listrik. Bahkan, desain efisiensi tinggi dari MAX-E1 dapat menghemat ribuan dolar selama masa pakai motor yang ada.
Selain itu, operasi suhu rendah mengurangi kelelahan dan menambah umur bantalan keseluruhan.

Fitur dan Desain :

  • Non-higroskopis, sistem isolasi Kelas F.
  • Laminasi baja elektro-magnetik bermutu tinggi untuk kehilangan inti rendah dan efisiensi tinggi.
  • Semua konstruksi besi termasuk rangka, braket ujung, penutup kipas dan kotak saluran untuk kekakuan dan ketahanan korosi yang sangat baik.
  • Reinforced end turn lacing
  • Pemisah timbal neoprene.
  • Bantalan kinerja tinggi dari baja degassed.
  • 90 ° dapat diputar cast iron conduit box untuk koneksi yang mudah
  • Kipas eksternal yang tahan korosi.
  • Rotor aluminium die-cast tekanan seimbang yang seimbang.
  • Eproxy untuk base coat tahan karat fenolik.
  • Perangkat keras berlapis Zn-Cd.
  • Sertifikat CSA untuk kelas I, Divisi 2, Grup B, C, dan D, dengan Kode Suhu T3C. (File CSA 64671).


Category: Tag:


Spesifikasi Permanent Magnet Motor MAX-E1

  • Merk : TECO
  • Model : MAX-E1
  • Tipe : AEHE

Name plat Teco Motor MAX-E1

TECO Name Plat MAX-E1 Motor Magnet


  • Kind of Motor : Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor (SCIM)
  • Design Standard : NEMA MG-1, MG-13
  • Voltage :
    50 Hz : 380V
    60 Hz : 230/460 V (208V DE-Rating Operation), 460V – 575 V
  • Frequency : 50 Hz or 60 Hz
  • Output Range : 1HP – 350HP
  • R.P.M (SYN.) :
    50 Hz : 3000-750 R.P.M (2-8 Pole)
    60 Hz : 3600-900 R.P.M (2-8 Pole)
  • Time Duty :
    Continuous, 50 Hz : S.F 1.10 (S1, MCR)
    60 Hz : S.F 1.15 (S1, MCR)
  • Frame No : 143-449 T & TS, 5007-6808 B
  • Protection Enclosure :
    Frame No. 143-449 T & TS : Totally Enclosed (IP 44)
    Frame No. 5007-6808 B : Totally Enclosed (IP 54)
  • Cooling Method : Self External Fan, Surface Cooling (IC 411)
  • Mounting : Horizontal Foot Mounting F-1 (IM 1001), However, F-1, F-2 Are Changeable


  • Ambient Condition :
    Place : NON-Hazardous
    Temperature : 15°C to 40°C
    Humidity : Relative Humidity : Less than 90% RH (NON-Condensation)
    Altitude : Less than 3, 300 Ft (1000 Meter)
  • Drive Method : Belt Service, However, 2 Pole 25HP and UP coupling service is the way
  • Direction of Rotation : Bi-Directional
  • Method Of Starting : Full voltage direct on line, for 7.5 HP & UP Y-△ Starting


  • Bearing : Bracket mounting, vacuum de-gassed high quality open bearings with grease relief valve for frame size of 280 TS and 324-405 TS, grease pre-packed shielded rolling bearings, with grease relievable unites for the others.
  • Terminal Box : Cast iron, the clearance hole cable entrance in NPT Threaded, can be set 90° Apart, with clearance hole cable entrance, F-1, F-2 Changeable.
  • Lead Terminal :
    9 Leads, with solderless lug terminals under 7.5 HP.
    12 Leads, with solderless lug terminals for 7.5 HP to 125 HP.
    6 Leads, with solderless lug terminals over 125 HP.
  • Stator Insulation : Class F Insulation System
  • Painting : Phenolic rust proof base plus lacquer surface finished painting in blue-gray color (Munsell N5 0)
  • Bolt Thread : ISO Metric System


  • Test Procedure : IEEE-112 Method B and full voltage measuring starting performance for motors not over 300HP, IEEE-112 method E1 and reduced voltage measuring starting performance for the others.
  • Temperature Rise : Not to exceed 90°C for S.F 1.15 or 80°C for S.F 1.0 by resistance method
  • Over Speed :
    • Frame No. 143-449 T & TS :
      125% SYN RPM for 2 minutes (2-4 Pole)
      150% SYN RPM for 2 minutes (6-8 Pole)
    • Frame No. 5007-6808 B :
      120% SYN RPM for 2 minutes (2 Pole)
      125% SYN RPM for 2 minutes (4-8 Pole)
  • Over Torque : 160% Rated torque for 15 sec



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